Sole Miller’s is a classic recipe and really simple to prepare and cook.
– Clarified butter 120 g
– Flour 00 q.b.
– Lemon juice 1
– Parsley 1 tuft
– Salt q.b.
– Whole milk q.b.
– Soles medium 4
Prep time: 25 mins – Level: Easy – Doses: 4 serving
To prepare the Sole Miller’s started by cleaning, peeling and washing the soles, then drain them and dry them gently. Then proceed with the clarification of the butter; this operation will allow the butter not to burn during cooking!
Dip the soles in the milk and then pass them in the flour on both sides. Place them in a pan with clarified butter, making them cook 3-4 minutes per side until they are golden on each side: be very careful not to break the soles when you turn them!
Meanwhile, squeeze and filter the juice of a lemon and chop the parsley with a knife.
When the soles are ready, add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Servite le sogliole alla mugnaia immediatamente decorando il piatto con fette o spicchi di limone e ciuffi di prezzemolo!
Serve the soles miller’s immediately, decorating the dish with slices or wedges of lemon and tufts of parsley!